
Friday, 15 February 2008


GRD, f3.2, 1/3, ISO 64, RAW

Yes, it is another macro but while it might seem lazy at first sight I actually spend quite some time preparing and taking the shot.
At first sight it looks unimpressive, upside down and not very bright. So let me explain it a bit more and my thoughts behind this. This is the view through the film and the lens of a Yashica Electro 35 camera, that I also used for the "Through the Looking Glass" picture. I used a developed slide film from my Ricoh GR1 as it just looks better than a negative and placed it in the way the camera would see the scene. By using the Bulb setting and the lens wide open at f1.7 on the Yashica with a light in front it gives a feel of how a camera or film would "see" a scene.
While it might not look like much I am realy pleased with the result and like this picture.

Another non blog related thing is that I won the January 2008 Ricoh Forum competition! :)

This is the picture I used and the theme was "Celebrations" (for a bigger version check the forum or my other sites).


  1. Congratulations Christi with your victory. It is a shame that I came in second ;)

  2. Thanks Wouter!
    I am sure you'll come in first soon, your pictures are very good.
