
Thursday, 29 May 2008


GRD II, f4, 1/200, ISO 100, RAW

Took this picture again while out for lunch. Since I stated the blog I almost never go out without the GRD I or II in my hand and ready to take a picture.
As for yesterdays post, my observation is as before that the GRD I produces prefectly useable jpgs that are not far off from the RAW output while the GRD II jpgs are smeared and lack sharpness and more important details. Something even more worrying is when you look at the histograms for the color and b&w images. While the GRD II hstograms are the same the GRD I images have a slightly different histogram. This means that the processing of the GRD I is defnitely different while the GRD II just turns the saturation down from the color jpg. All this makes the GRD II useless if you don't want to process RAW files where on the GRD I you can just use jpgs and still get a very good quality. Ricoh needs to improve here, at least give us the b&w mode back like on the GRD I, I can live with processing RAWs for color work but the GRD I jpgs are (to me) perfect. Don't get me wrong, the jpgs from the GRD II are not worse than any other camera out there but compared with previous Ricoh cameras are the worst I've seen (and I've used a lot of Ricoh cameras recently).


  1. Can you wake me up if you spot me nodding off

  2. Hehe, will do Mr Pineapples and keep an eye out for you nodding off ;).
    Enjoyed looking at your blog, very weird but entertaining.

  3. Cris, it would be very intersting to hear your first hand opinion on the GRDI JPEGS compared to the GX100´s..(you know I´m a JPEG trashie)..How do you think they compare if we leave the lens out of the equation?

    Cheers, Erik.

  4. Erik, from my experience the GRD I jpgs are slightly less processed than the GX100. At low ISOs the GX100 has an advantage over the GRD I but at higher ISOs the GRD I jpgs look better. The b&w jpgs are IMO on the GRD I best but the GX100 is still very good and better than other cameras.
