
Thursday, 22 May 2008

Pushing Against the Wall

GRD II, f2.4, 1/800, ISO 100, RAW

Doesn't it feel sometimes like you are running or pushing against a wall? This happens when at times either nothing works or people don't seem to understand you. While my day was actually prety good and I did not have this feeling (today), seeing this scene on my way to lunch made me think of it. Well, think of it and take picture of the scene ;).
I know it does not fit with my theme but I quite like that picture and decided to use it today. Since I started the blog I always have the camera out, in my hand and ready to shoot when walking outside. You never know when you have a great photo opportunity and without a camera that is ready you will miss the shot.


  1. Good catch!! Lately I feel more like a huge wall is pushing ME (with great success...).

    The abandoning of the week´s theme is plenty justified..


  2. Thanks Erik and glad to hear the wall pushing you is successfull.

  3. I especially like it for the fact that the vertical line of the wall is not exactly vertical.

    And you can always theme your photographs afterwards!

  4. Thanks Wouter, the non vertical line was what I really liked and made me use this picture. This and the fact that I had a title in mind when I looked at it.
