
Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Out Of Use

GRD II, f2.4, 1/20, ISO 200, RAW

One of the hottest themes in the last days in the UK has been the strike by Shell tanker drivers. This caused some chaos since it disrupted the supply to petrol station across the country and caused over 100 petrol stations to close.
While this did not really affected me, since I don't have a car and instead have the pleasure to use one of the worlds worst and most expensive public transport systems, it got me thinking.
We are still so dependent on petrol and although we know it's going to run out soon we still did not manage to develop suitable alternatives. Or did we? The Is there interest to introduce alternatives at the moment or is there enough interest in keeping it the way it is? Would countries like Saudi Arabia be as wealthy as they are now and buy weapons from the US and UK without the demand for oil or would there have been an Iraq war without the prospect for oil? Whatever the answer, for now at least we will continue the way we are since the dispute has been settled. Too much money and too many interests at risk to let this escalate or go on longer, plus where would the government get their petrol tax money from?


  1. The gasoline prices in the Netherlands and the UK are some of the highest in the world. As long as the profits and the tax incomes are high, no alternatives will be pushed forward.
    Interesting thinking Cristi and so much can be set about it. If our cars could drive on water, the water would become more expensive too and governments would raise taxes.
    I like the political/social message of your photograph and the thoughts it can provoke.

  2. The concern of the week all accross Europe..We have just had a major transport strike last week. Petrol prices rised about 30% last year. Acceptable? Is there a real tangible, economical cause for such rise? Did the production costs increase dramatically? Is the working mass getting paid any better? NAh, don´t thinks so. Speculation is our word. The message is clear: Petrol reserves are limited, we know thay are going to finish, we will fill our dirty bank accounts as much as possible before they end...But petrol is not only money, it is something more important, it´s power, it´s the prime matter of the strategy for the world hegemony.

    It would take a whole generation to reconvert the world´s petrol dependence into different energy sources which allready exist ( wind, sun, tides and more.. and cars CAN run on water, the hidrogen motor allready exists, but the patent was "burried"). We are just in time, but will it happen? My prediction: nothing will be done untill humanity faces the biggest energetic and economical crisis ever. Economical and social systems wil collide and a new order will rise, not without enough human blood to keep it well lubricated..

    I know, I am optimistic by nature..Sorry for my echological/political proclaim, it´s hard to stop me once I get started.. ;-)

    Good light and clean air to you all..


  3. It is just not the increasing demand of oil from the West, and new economical powers like China and India. It is, I think, the collaps of the US as a world and economical power and it's devaluating dollar. Entire economies depand on the Dollar, and when that becomes worthless, prices will rise.
    Money starts as paper of no value, and will eventually become worthless again.

    Sorry Cristi that we hack :D your blog, but the changes ahead of us will be very dramatic. Maybe it is time again to collect silver and gold.

  4. Thanks for the great comments guys. I am always glad if my pictures or posts bring out such intersting discussions.

    If we look at things today it's all about money. You are right Wouter that money is worthless paper but we decided to give it way too much importance. Sooner or later (and I bet it will be sooner) it will be what will destroy us.
    Take oil as an example, we fight wars because of it and allow countries to do as they please as long as they deliver oil. We do not need it since there are enough alternatives already. But these alternatives cost too much money at the moment and the governments are not done yet with making profits from oil. I bet as soon as it runs out they'll be ready with something to keep taking our money.

    Nothing has been developed recently that will bring us forward without making as much money as posible off it first.
    We can cure a lot of diseases but yet people die because they can not afford to pay for the medicine.

    There will be a lot of changes coming in the near future. Some will be good but most might not be quite as good.

    Make the best of now and enjoy what you have :).
