
Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Dog Day Afternoon

GRD II, f2.8, 1/100, ISO 80, RAW, 8.4mm

The weather was great, warm and sunny and by finishing work early I had enough time to go to the park in Greenwich and enjoy the sun. While walking around I decided to use the fish-eye lens again.
Dogs are great subjects for fish-eye photography, their long noses and curious nature means you can get some very interesting shots. I left the vignetting at the corners as it was but cropped the image slightly and changed the colors and contrast with the curves tool to give it more of a Lomo feel.


  1. Pure lomo style indeed! Great picture! I got my GRD finally and it´s an amazing tool. Have to learn to use it, of course... it´s a bit confusing at first coming from Lomo and DSLR. But it´s really well designed, I live the MY-settings already...

  2. Thanks for your comments. I really like working with the fish-eye lens and Lomo style.

    Good to hear you got your GRD II and are enjoying it, Delacruz. It takes some getting used to it at first but it is highly customizable so it's a camera everyone will get along with fine after setting it up.
    If you have a Lomo and a dSLR the GRD II will slot in nicely between those. It won't have the quality of the dSLR but can come close in emulating both cameras while also providing an own unique look.

  3. Without reading your post the photograph gave me that Lomo style. Great perspective!

  4. Thanks, the lens is really good and a lot of fun to use.
    I noticed that the choice of lenses for the GRDs puts me in a different way of thinking and seeing things.
