
Tuesday, 15 July 2008

IR Railway

LC1, f6.7, 1/320, ISO 200, RAW, 90mm

My first attempt at IR photography but since I have no IR filter, I had to do it in post production. Not great but the best result after a few tries. Need to get a proper filter to get better results. While I could have posted a different picture I wanted to post my attempt and apart from the noise I am not too unhappy with it.


  1. Really nice. This image carries a very special feeling... seems very old, I´m really waiting to see a steam train coming round the corner!

  2. Thanks, I used a low sepia filter after processing it to give it a slightly warmer feel.

  3. Funny, I got myself a Hoya R-72 filter that arrived yesterday. The Ricoh´s are "legendary" for it´s great IR capabilities, but I must say that my first attempt yesterday was a shame...I need some experimentation!


  4. This is indeed a funny coincidence with the IR filter. Looking forward to see how you get on with it but I am sure you will master it. Trying to master a camera or adapter for the camera is a lot of fun and I guess the reason we buy new cameras and accessories for our existing cameras ;).
