
Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Man on Wire

GRD II, f2.4, 1/8, ISO 200, RAW

The "challenge" I've set myself for this week is to literally follow the 'One picture per day' theme. So I will try to only take one picture every day or in case I see some great photo opportunities to only use the first picture I took.
So far this has worked and I only took one picture yesterday and today. This is important to try for one of the next weeks and my planned project.


  1. Another street photo to make me smile. :)

    With the 28mm fixed lens camera, you have to walk close to the people. How do you take such pictures without arousing the people's attention?

  2. Thanks Mike.

    I like using the 28mm lens and sometimes prefer the 21mm to get even closer, especially when going around markets or festivals and there are crowds of people.
    I have to get very close to people to take the shots but this is not a big issue. I never use the OVF or hold the camera up. I shoot from the hip and either use the LCD to compose the shot, you can see enough from a high angle to frame, or simply estimate what will be in the frame and look at the scene instead of at my camera. The easy controls of the GRD and the fact that you don't have to use an OVF are what make this very easy and cause less suspicion.
    Even when holding the camera up almost in people's face, they just think I am a tourist and want to snap something behind them. The look of the GRD helps a lot.

  3. Very interesting self-assignment you have impossed yourself. And it surely is giving great results. Mike Johnston, quite a character, and the editor of "The Online Photographer Blog": used to write a very interesting column for The Luminous Landscape: The Sunday Photographer. Full of interesting essays, but your post today remembered me one in particular: "On self assignment":

    Worth the read..


  4. Great street photo Cristi. Good luck your daily photographing.


  5. Thanks Erik and Wouter for your comments!

    Erik, this is an interesting read indeed and something I have been trying to do for a while to challenge myself and have some fun.
