
Sunday, 13 July 2008

Moore Challenge

LC1, f5, 1/1000, ISO 100, RAW, 90mm

LC1, f4.5, 1/1000, ISO 100, RAW, 90mm

LC1, f4, 1/1000, ISO 100, RAW, 90mm

First day in the new flat and the t-mobile HSDPA reception is pretty bad (or almost not existent). There is no way I can keep updating the blog on time or I need to go outside. Ah well, hope it won't be too long till the broadband is installed.
Aside from this and the unpacking of boxes there was also the Cancer Research marathon in Blackheath. Good opportunity for taking the LC1 out. It performed very well in manual focus, auto focus is still too slow and the EVF has a lag. Once getting used to this it works a lot better and manual focus is very easy and fast to use.
I only caught the end of the marathon and while I took quite a lot of pictures, these are my 3 favorite pictures.


  1. I think number two is an excellent picture due to the story it tells!

  2. Thanks, number two is also my favorite. It took a few attempts to get it right with the framing, the DOF and the hands being in the right place.
