
Saturday, 20 September 2008

Shilouettes of Industry

I mentioned it before but I really like industrial photography and have to do a proper series on this. Today we had one of the best days in months with regards to the weather so after a visit in the Greenwich Park and Observatory it was time for a walk along the Thames to the O2. Along the way you pass by a lot of industry or old industrial installations so it was great for me. I tried to use ISO 200 to have some grain but the JPG noise in the LC1 is a bit blotchy and not as nice as the GRD I so I won't be using it like this soon. Other than this the camera was very good due to the versatile lens, although it suffers more from flare than the Ricoh lenses (guess Leica is not as good as the price would make you think).
I will try to post a series with different themes every weekend.


  1. The intentional under exposuring works really well for this serie. Series are so much fun, because you create some sort of story. I especially like the first photograph.


  2. Thanks Wouter! You are right that series can be a lot of fun an let you focus on one story. The first is also my favorite picture.

  3. The 3rd photo has my vote, I like the uniformity.
    There was a great sunset last night, managed to get a good shot of the Eye.

  4. I prefer the second one because you succeeded to capture the sun in the metal structure and there is a pleasant symetry. Well done !

  5. Thanks yesbuts and Val for your comments!
    Looks like everyone has a different picture they prefer :). Makes the series very interesting to see what everyone likes in a photograph and there should be something for everyone in there.

  6. Really great series! Wouter is right about the "story creation"!
