
Saturday, 12 November 2011

Sleepover in Phnom Penh

Sometimes this trip feels like we're always on the road travelling. The good thing about this is that you first get to see a lot of stuff but it also makes your holiday seem/feel longer. I feel like I have been away for weeks and not just days.

Today, we arrived in Cambodia and Phom Penh. Not as early as planned so the stay here will be very short since the boat to Siem Reap leaves tomorrow mornig at 7am.

The first walk after dinner through Phnom Penh was really nice though. It is really relaxed and chilled out and the people are very nice, even after coming from Vietnam.

So far I like the country and city a lot and regret not having more time in Phnom Penh but Angkor Wat should make up for it.

I tried to give a quick impression of the place with my pictures but realize this is not possible in the short time I have here. So just take them for what they are and trust me that Phnom Penh is very nice and worth a visit, I will definitely be back.

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