
Sunday, 16 December 2012

Man at the Diner

GRD IV, f1.9, 1/125, ISO 2810, RAW, Snapseed


  1. In this case I think I prefer a color shot. The white is very bleached out and i hope to get some more atmosphere in it then.

  2. I agree with you, you are absolutely right. I'll visit your blog again.

  3. I like the black and white... I know the bright whites are nearly burned out, but that is an honest exposure of the scene. I like diners, cafes, bars etc for photography.

  4. Thanks for your comments!

    It was a close call between the color or b&w version of the picture but in the end I liked the higher contrast of the b&w version more. It fits the mood a bit better.

    I will post the color version to compare though.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Nice post! I like the higher contrast of the black and white version .

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