
Sunday, 20 January 2013

Snow in Greenwich

While we had some snow in the past days, it only started coming down properly today. Since it is a Sunday people were all out in the park and every slope was full of people with sledges and every flat area had people building snowmen.

I like it when it snows and could not resist walking around taking some pictures, the first one is taken and processed with the Nexus 4 and the rest are all with the GXR A12-M and the GR lens. I decided on the GR lens for two reasons, it is slightly wider than the Nokton I have been using most recently but most important, the lens element is quite far back so not exposed and will not get wet or covered in snow that easy.


  1. Great shots again and especially the park bench with the tape to not sit on it. Very funny with the snow. Keep clicking.

  2. Thanks for your comment!

    The sign on the bench actually said 'Caution Wet Paint' which is even funnier. ;)
