
Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Walking Home

GXR A12-M, f2.8, 1/125, ISO 951, RAW, 53mm (Voigtlander Nokton f1.2 35mm)

Took this while walking back home. I was walking pats this every and tried to take pictures of it before and tried some shots while walking through but none came out well. Today, I finally saw the shot I wanted to get.

Initially I wanted one person in the middle and got it in my first shot, then I decided to try some other shots and get three people in but before I had enough people walk through and be at the right distance I got this one with two people. Now I have the full series from one person to three in the frame but think this one works best.


  1. Pity there is not a third person walking right or you had the perfect walking composition but this one is also great. Like it very much.

  2. Thanks for your comment!

    I did have a picture with 3 people but decided to post this instead.

  3. This works really well. I like the stainless steel background and red illumination. Well caught in mid-stride.

  4. Thanks for your comment Bill!
