
Tuesday, 2 April 2013

People on Phones

Not my best street photography maybe but a mini series to show how people (me included) look most of the time when outside even on a really nice and sunny day, everyone is with their head down looking at their phone screen. Ok, the guy in the 2nd picture looked up at me but he had the same pose as the other two.

Might need to try and do a full series on people and phones although it would not be much of a challenge and I will most likely end up with thousands of photos in a very short amount of time. ;)


  1. It's been a while since I have been blogging and/or reading blogs. Busy life took over for a time.

    This 'people on phones' post is quite interesting. I have talked/moaned about the way people are immersing themselves into their smart phones... way too much. I have actually tried my best to avoid capturing people on phones, but it is almost impossible. So quite often my images include them.

    I prefer images of people reading a book rather than reading a phone. (and I prefer images of people smoking a cigarette rather than eating something). I don't know why. :)

    Good to be back though!

  2. Thanks for your comment Bill and glad to see you're back at blogging and reading blogs!

    I thought this post will be something you're interested in by your own posts and previous comments here.

    Like many, I am also guilty of looking at my phone or tablet too much and too often, guess it's part of trying to stay up to date with as many things as possible whenever there are a few minutes to spare.
