
Sunday, 30 June 2013

Hughenden to Brandenham

The weather has been great again and I decided to make use of my National Trust membership before it expires so took the train to High Wycombe and went hiking to Hughenden Manor and afterwards to Brandenham.

This is a series of some pictures I took at the different places and along the way, with exception of the last all are JPGs taken with the GR, the last is a RAW conversion but without much processing.

Thanks to the macro mode and the great high ISO quality the GR is very versatile and works great as the only camera for a trip. It's also very small and light and can be carried in a jeans pocket if needed, although it should really be in your hand because it won't take pictures in the pocket. ;)


  1. A delightful series, Cristi. I almost feel as if I have visited the place.

    How is the review of the Ricoh GR coming along? I saw one in a camera shop in Southport last week. I told the salesman not to get it out of the cabinet because it wouldn't go back in. I am having great trouble getting money transferred from America to the UK, so I need to be prudent until it all sorted out. I called in at the store on Monday after my required visit to the Job Centre and the Ricoh GR had gone. Perhaps it is just as well at present.

  2. Thanks for your comment Calvin!

    The GR review will take me some time, want to have enough time with the camera first to know it well enough. Can tell you that it's great so far.

    Hope you can get everything sorted with the money and work and get settled in ok now that you're back in the UK.
