
Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Looking Up

GR, f6.3, 1/250, ISO 500, RAW

Took this while in the City sorting more of my visa and other stuff out, took quite a few pictures but somehow liked this one best.


  1. A very amusing shot to me. Like it! I especially like how the GR series reproduce the colour in sort of a subdued way (except for the Hi-contrast BW which I love). I don't remember if I have ever used the vivid setting on any of the Ricoh cameras I tried.

    Thank you for dropping by, Cristi. Congrats to you too for your new photo book! Hope to see one from you for shots done with the GR. I do have lots of fun with the 4 and can therefore wait a bit longer for at least the second generation of the GR.

    I have read a local photography mag for a comparison review between the GR and GXR. They praised the better IQ of shots from GR. But I am still amazed by your observation that it does a better job than GXR plus the Nokton. I thought the shots from the M module + the Nokton as I tried it were pleasing enough.

  2. Great shot . Very good composition here and the window on the right is just cooperating with the singer or shouting. I like it.

  3. Thanks for your comments!

    Nevin, you're right that the Ricoh colours are very real and not over-saturated like so many other cameras.

    Thanks, hope to be able to do more photo books after my upcoming trip and am sure photos taken with the GR will feature in there.

    The GR and GXR are fantastic cameras and complement each other very well, for me these are the best cameras one can get right now. The Sony RX1 and NEX-6 are also very nice though.

    While the GXR and Nokton combination are great and have a lot of character, the much higher and better ISO on the GR edges out despite the slower lens. I can get a faster shutter speed at f2.8 and ISO 25600 than the GXR allows me at f1.2 and ISO 3200 so this is the main difference. With the GR sensor in a new Mount module this would look different although I hope Ricoh will somehow get the Sony RX1 sensor in a new M mount camera/module.
