
Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Day 92 - Across the Friendship Bridge to Laos

After a cold night in the AC sleeper car, I woke up and enjoyed the views from he train and an overpriced breakfast and bad coffee.

The train was predictably late, so far all trains in Thailand were late so this was again no surprise. At least train travel here is cheap and reasonably comfortable.

After arriving at Nong Khai and taking the connecting shuttle train across the friendship bridge and border to Thanaleng in Laos, I got ripped off by the immigration officers there. Make sure you have enough money in US$ for your visa or they will offer you a ridiculous rate to pay in Thai Bhat where you end up overpaying by 10 US$. Still, there is only so much arguing you can do with an immigration officer if you want to enter the country.

After checking in to my hostel, I went for a walk around Vientiane to get a feel for the city. It is very quiet and has more a feel of a small town, even more so than Ulaanbataar.

Walking around Vientiane is fun and the center is very compact so you can see everything quite easy. Not quite sure what to think of the place yet and if I will stay the whole 4 days as planned or leave earlier in case I have seen and done everything.
I need to spend more time wandering around tomorrow to discover more.


  1. Bonjour,
    Je découvre ton blog, j'aime beaucoup ton travail! Des aventures et de très belles photos.
    Je suis artiste peintre, photographe amateur; je me suis inscrite pour suivre tes publications!
    Je t'invite à me rendre visite sur mes blogs, merci beaucoup et bonne journée! Cath.

    HI, I discover your blog that I like very much! adventures and very beautiful photographs.
    I am french amateur photographer; I was registered to follow your publications
    Do not hesitate to visit to me over my blogs, thank you, have a nice day! Cath.

  2. I love the second shot, Cristi.

    I am also full of admiration at the way you have coped with the mishaps that have occurred. I would have been absolutely gutted at the loss of the GXR camera and lenses. But you seem to shrug adversity off and carry on, the mark of a true adventurer. Bravo!

  3. Thanks for your comments!

    Cath, I am glad you like my blog and the pictures.
    I will have a look at your blog and pictures, too.

    Calvin, thanks!
    I was a bit annoyed right after I realized it got stolen but it's not worth having my trip ruined by this so I put it under 'shit happens' and moved on.
    I expected anything to happen and so far it's been going great, aside from a few mishaps here and there but this is normal.

  4. Great set of images here, Cristian
    The last one with the row of illuminated, red tents is a particular favourite of mine; it has a wonderful structure but you can still get lost in all the details.

  5. Thank for your comment Björn!

    I thought the last one would appeal to you due to the strong red colour.
