
Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Day 238 - KL

I started the morning with a wander around Chinatown to take some photos and explore the area a bit. It was nice and Chinatown is certainly a very lively place so it's good for photography.

The area of Chinatown is not as big as I expected and has just a few streets so it's easy to cover it in a short time. Still, if you walk further you can discover more of it hidden away.

After having a quick brunch, I walked back to Low Yat plaza to buy the Type Cover II keyboard for my Surface Pro and also stopped by the Times Shopping mall. Kuala Lumpur certainly has a lot of shopping malls and this is where people hang out as there are not many on the streets outside of Chinatown.

Once I had my keyboard, I headed out to meet Björn at another mall near Mount Kiara for a few beers and to catch up.
Mount Kiara is only about 10 km from Chinatown but thanks to a poor public transport system, I had to take the train and then ended up still having to walk around 3km to get there on pavements that are not really meant for walking.

It was great to catch up with Björn and hear how he is getting along with life in KL so far, it was also nice to chat about photography and I got to try some of his Sony a7 lenses on my NEX-3N.

After a very nice evening, I took a taxi back to Chinatown where I walked around a bit to take some more photos.

After the fist day in KL, I can't say I really like it. It's very big and you need a car to get to places comfortably but it somehow lacks the character that Georgetown and Ipoh had. For shopping it is great though as you can get everything and haggle the prices down to make them very cheap.

I will have a few more days to explore and get a feel for KL so will see if my first impression will change.

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