
Friday, 17 October 2014

Around Borough

I joined a few photography meetup groups in London but don't always get to go to the meetups and with my travels I haven't been in a while. So it made sense to go to the 'We Shoot People!' meetup and exhibition visit of the London Photography Festival near Borough.

I arrived early so had enough time to go for a wander around the (partly) new developed Borough Market and take some photos.

Markets are always fun to take photos at although it was quite a difference from the markets in Asia I've been taking photos in the past year.

The exhibition was nice and had some good, some ok and some boring photos but it was interesting to see the different works.

Where these meetups always are best is when everyone gets together in a pub and socialize, chat and share photos. It's always a good opportunity to meet new people and learn different workflows and ideas for your own photography.

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