
Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Chow Kit Walk

When I'm in KL, I always try to meet up with Bjorn, it's great to catch up and do some photography together.

Another thing I enjoy is that he knows a lot of the hidden places in KL that have a lot more charm but are not always easy to find in between all the new towers.

The kampungs are very interesting and make for a much nicer backdrop for photography than the more modern side of KL. The people there are also very friendly and always open for a chat or to strike a pose.

Another sight worth seeing in KL are the various markets, markets anywhere in the world are a great place for photography.

This time we went around Chow Kit and visited the market there, it's as colorful and vibrant as you would expect and well worth a visit.

Speaking of colors, this post is also dedicated to Bjorn's favorite color so see if you can figure it out.

It was a great day again and very nice to do some photography with someone and not on my own.

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