Saturday, 28 February 2009

GR1 Week 2 - Day 1

"Imagine" - GR1, ISO 200

I have decided that I need another break from daily digital photography and go back to some more film photography with the GR1. This means I need to find alternatives to post so I decided to post older GR1 pictures.


  1. Beautiful colors in the photo and good news for film, getting another chance! Enjoy the week! :)

  2. It is a wonderfully colored shot from film. What kind of film did you use?

  3. Thanks for your comments.
    I really like the colors, this is great on overcast days, you can get really nice colors.

    James, I had a cheap Kodak ISO 200 color film.

  4. A great photograph Cristi. And speaking of the GR1. I loaded my camera with a Kodak Ultramax 400 today.

  5. Thanks Wouter!
    Think it is a good idea to use the GR1 and will help inspiring you till you can decide on which camera to get next ;).
    Looking forward to see your results.
