Got to Kyoto in the morning and while the weather was pretty mixed with sunshine and rain, the city is simply amazing. I spent one day here 4 years ago and always remembered it for being very nice and I wanted to come back. Now I just have to come back again and I did not even leave yet. Spend all day walking in the Gion district and sightseeing. The way tradition blends with the modern life is great. The cherry blossoms are in bloom and the city is pretty much packed. Took literally hundreds of pictures till late in the evening. Again I can only recommend a visit here. Before someone asks, I am not paid by the Japan tourist board ;).
Now I chose this picture before all others because I had a title in mind after taking it and I like the movement in the shot. Gone over now to take most color pictures with the GRD II and all b&w streetshots with the GRD I as the focus is faster if I don't use the Snap mode. The GRD II is however so much nicer to use and more responsive, writes RAW faster and the battery lasts longer so I just started to use Snap mode more to be able to use it for street shots. This shot was taken using spot AF a second after cursing it for having me miss a shot. I just hate it when the camera waits to take a shot till it finished focusing. Ricoh, please fix this and fast.