Saturday, 29 August 2009

Hever Castle and Gardens

The weather was great so I decided to go for a daytrip somewhere ad see a caste. The choice fell on Hever Castle and after last week I got yet another display of Jousting.
Took the same cameras like last week but the GRD III stayed in my pocket and the LC1 got used more today, it has been neglected somewhat recently and it needed a workout.


  1. Great detail in the first photograph - look at the detailed brickwork pattern on the chimneys

  2. Thanks for your comment Yesbuts!
    The LC1 is capable of very high IQ with lots of detail and dynamic range and at base ISO is not far behind the D70 and similar dSLRs.

  3. Nice pictures! Based on your photos, I like LC-1 more than GRDIII.

  4. Nice series Cristi. In fact I really like the color photographs. And I do agree with Mike. There is more thoughtfulness in your photography with the LC-1 which I like very much.

  5. Thanks Mike and Wouter for your comments!
    The LC1 being bigger and slower to operate gets used for different kind of shots than the GRDs which are mostly used for action/street photography shots but also to experiment more.
    I guess this show that the choice of camera does have an impact on your photography and affect how your pictures look like and what you take pictures of.
