GRD, f5.0, 1/400, ISO 400, JPG b&w |
The title of this post is a bit of what I'm thinking right now regarding this blog. I can see some people still follow it but it's not as many as it used to be and I'm not sure if it's still the right thing for me to do.
It takes a lot of work to keep it updated and while I like to take photos every day, I'm just not sure blogging is the right platform for my photos overall.
The main reason I hesitate about stopping this blog is that I met some fantastic people all around the world through it.
I will have a think about what to do next as I am not sure about the interest, from both myself and of people reading this blog, is in continuing it.
Before I stop posting completely though there will be some posts I want to finish first. My Photokina 2014 report, which is still outstanding, and the full Ricoh GR review which I never finished and might come too late for most people by now.
Depending on time and what I decide the Photokina report will definitely be posted but the Ricoh GR review might have to stay unfinished although I want to post at least the RAW files for comparison.
Feel free to post your thoughts in the comments.