Monday, 22 June 2009

Watch Out For The Fish!

GRD, f4.5, 1/320, ISO 400, JPG b&w

The weather has been mostly dull and grey today. Not really great for photography and I have not been overly inspired. I took a few picturs on my way home though and this is the one I liked best. I walked past this poster a few times but never saw anything intersting happening next to it so I was glad when I saw this today.


  1. A decisive moment....funny too! :)

  2. Thanks James! It was funny to see the guy there and he was also wondering why I took a picture of the poster.

  3. They look as if they are breaking out of the building - well seen

  4. Thanks for your comment Yesbuts!

  5. Fascinating and very funny. Well seen Cristi.
