Tuesday, 3 March 2009

GR1 Week 2 - Day 4

"Flatiron" - GR1, ISO 200

Another picture taken in NYC, this is one of my favorite buildings. I really like the shape of it and the fact taht it's a brick building. There is something really cool about brick buildings.


  1. Yummy! I´m a fan of GR1 week 2, definitely. And yes, I´m partial on film, too! ;)

  2. Thanks for your comment DLC!
    Glad you like the week so far. I have some other pictures I like but not scanned in, think I might have to do another week or two soon when all my film is scanned at proper quality.

  3. That looks wider than 28mm viewangle,wonderful!

  4. I think of it as the "cutting edge" building

  5. Thanks Jason. I thinik the angle I tok the photo in makes it appear wider than 28mm.

    A good way to remember it Yesbuts.

  6. The angle and glow is great. I really like that.

  7. Thanks Wouter, the light was very good on that day and was right behind the building.
