Friday, 8 August 2008


GRD, f4, 1/70, ISO 100, JPG b&w

When I saw him staring like that I took the GRD, pointed it towards him and took the shot while walking past. This is why the picture has some slight motion blur but I still like the expression and decided to use it as my pic for the day.
Cropped it to 1:1 and added some noise as this works better overall. I chose the title on purpose to be 'Untitled' although 'Grumpy' or 'Starring' would have fitted better.


  1. Great candid street shot.
    His expression is ambiguous - somewhere between, bored, deep in thought, annoyed and attitude! :)

  2. Thanks for the comment.

    It is difficult to place his expression and also the expression of the guy in the background (but he seems genuinely bored ;) ). This is also why I decided to use Untitled as the title for the image.
